Shenzhen Tuodi Electronics Co., Ltd.
Productos principales:Interruptores de Sensor PIR, luz LED de gabinete, luz LED de sensor de movimiento, recepción y transmisión de módulos de interruptor RF, Interruptor de sensor IR
New Products TDL-6110 LED smart light
The light only working at night or dark environment,it is standby mode in day time or bright environment.All items can be seen three or more mode,it is ON/OFF/AOTU modes.

Paulina Lee
Amanda Lee
Shell Liu
Daniel Chen
Kevin Hu

Management concept:

Customer oriented, continuous creativity, steady progress, strive to be No.1

Technology concept :

Strict supervision, professional production and a strong R&D group

Corporation concept:

Win-win principle, welcome ODM

Objective concept:

Make all your wonderful life in tuodi electronics